Work From Home and Secure Remote Access

Business requires that employees have the ability to work from home and on the road as well as in the office.

We can deliver technologies that provide this facility in a secure transparent enviroment.

Many companies now close major contracts on the move. Statistics have proved that many organisations are still missing out on this technology and losing revenue. Large or small this facility suites all organisations.

The technology can benefit the whole organisation including: CEO’s, Sales Force, Finance Officers, IT Administrators and more.

Let your team have their fingers on the pulse in real time.

We also deliver secure remote access for support issues across the board right down to mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

This enables us in a structured way to provide:

  • Direct desktop support to individual workstations or servers.
  • Direct tablet and mobile support while on the go.
  • Minimum downtime therefore more uptime.
  • A happy workforce.

Contact us for more information today.